This sample definitely makes you want more! It'll be so cool to see all the elements come together in the final game. The core mechanics are solid. There is some learning curve to it that other people have brought up. Maybe if there was something relatively low stakes to start off the story so players get their feet wet before diving into a full investigation...? But on the other hand, it does motivate you to do multiple play-throughs the way it is set up now. I like that there are multiple avenues for uncovering clues and establishing connections. You don't lean on all the available options in the first investigation (surveillance didn't seem relevant in many circumstances, even if you attempt it), so it'll be very interesting to see how those factor in. It kind of reminds me of word or number puzzles where you get that dopamine hit when you finally unlock a new part of the overall picture. So it definitely feels like it's all heading in the right direction!