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I know this game is just for memes. But you can put a little more time on this game. The game is also kinda boring becouse there is sooooo much conversations. 

What you can do:

  • remove uneccesary or make the conversations shorter. 
  • Make a clear goal. Right now you have to just run and talk to everyone on the map. You can just delete every thing that is uneccesary like ppl that just talk and dont do a shit.
  • make a menu and settings just so the player feel the developer has put some effort in the game.
  • In the end you can put a Mission complete or something. Just so the player knows  he have completed the game.
(2 edits) (+3)(-2)

hey i just wanted to say that this is a good game and  if the creator had done things in more detail he would have spend a lot of time and the meme would be dead. So basically this it's well done.


I mean... I was trying to make a game that looked like it had as little effort as possible put into it. So that means intentionally ignoring those kind of things.

And then there’s the fact that if I put any more time into it the meme would have been dead before I finished