Why I can Craft Only One Time per Enter Craft Menu?
[I Use Instant Craft]
I tried to Craft Item 5 time But I get Only One time and 4 Time Remain is Nothing happen ingredient Lost Only One time
Yes it's 100%
I lose the ingredient only the first time I craft.
After that, I don't lose the ingredient, and I can't craft again until I exit the category and re-enter to craft it again.
I tried to craft a Long Sword by clicking it 10 times, but I only got 1 Long Sword.
The only way to craft more is to exit the category and enter it again to continue crafting.
it's always Happen Only On Instant Craft
Hi, I think I see the issue, could you try pasting this code into the bottom of the plugin (scroll to the very bottom of the .js file, make a new line below all code without changing any existing code, and paste this in the new line then save the file and try a playtest):
CGMZ_Scene_Crafting.prototype.startCraft = function() { if(CGMZ.Crafting.InstantCrafting) { this._progressWindow.doInstantCraft(this._multicraftWindow.number()); this._listWindow.refresh(); this._displayWindow.refresh(); this.activateListWindow(); } else { this._progressWindow.startCraft(this._multicraftWindow.number()); this._displayWindow.refresh(); } if(!CGMZ.Crafting.WaitForFinish) this.activateListWindow(); }; CGMZ_Window_RecipeProgress.prototype.doInstantCraft = function(amount) { if(this._recipe) { let success = true; for(let i = 0; i < amount; i++) { const ext = $cgmzTemp.makeCraftTimerInfo(this._recipe._name, this._timerKey, amount); this._recipe.doCraft(ext.success, ext.hq); if(!ext.success) success = false; } const recipeTemp = $cgmzTemp.getRecipeTempData(this._recipe._name); if(recipeTemp) { const se = success ? recipeTemp.successSE : recipeTemp.failSE; AudioManager.playSe(se); } if(Imported.CGMZ_Rumble) { success ? $cgmzTemp.startRumble(CGMZ.Crafting.SuccessRumble) : $cgmzTemp.startRumble(CGMZ.Crafting.FailRumble) } } };