Hello! Sorry for the late response, quite busy lately. Okay so first off. You will need to study on how to create scripts over at your project that affects your entire world that keep track of the stats of your character using variables and such. So that wherever you go around any scene your stats remain the way they are depending on whatever circumstances they face. Let's say in scene 1 your character gets damaged by 1. It should carry over to the script that affects your HP. Therefore if you go to the next scene as long as you have that script in that same scene. It will update the stats of your character. It's quite difficult to explain but there are tutorials online on how to go about that. I hope I made sense. Here's a photo of where you can make scripts.
I believe your character is dying whenever you go to the next scene because your character's life starts at ZERO in the next scene? and therefore the MENU template i created kills your character at zero. Maybe you can remove the "You are dead" scripts that sends it to another scene first. Then later on add that once you have figured everything out. Also, you might need to study on how to create rpg's on gb studio first and the scale of it before creating a project because I personally had to stop my dreams of making an rpg because it is too much for me. haha. I ended up getting stuck in so much obstacles.