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Hey, I like it, nice work. Here are a few things I came across:

1. Given that both players have to make it to the end I would restart the round if one dies. I managed to get to the end of a level after a friend had died and couldnt progress.

2. Esc currently exits the game, I found myself quitting by accident a few times when navigating the menu.

I think you may have been playing the previous version, at the moment if you press Esc it takes you to an options menu.  Did you download the game a few days ago?

As for making it restart if one player died, I had originally thought that might be jarring to the other player.  However I'm hearing most people express a similar opinion to you on the issue.  So I will change it so it restarts after a second or two.

Thanks so much for playing the game and for the feedback!  It really does help out a huge amount :)