OnFormOpened, OnFormSubmitted, and OnFormClosed callbacks
Until now, developers have just been modifying the FeedbackForm script directly to add their custom feedback code. This was pretty unsustainable, as every time they updated the asset, it'd break their changes! This week's update addresses that, adding 3 UnityEvents to the FeedbackForm script: OnFormOpened, OnFormSubmitted, and OnFormClosed.
Honestly, I should have added these sooner, as I've gotten some reports from developers that they had not been updating the asset with weekly builds because they didn't want their form to break, and to have to rewrite it. Hopefully this will help mitigate the fear of updating for the future.
Here's exactly when each event is invoked:
OnFormOpened: This event is invoked right after the screenshot is taken, and right before the form appears on the screen. Any information that must be collected when the user begins to submit a report should be collected here.
OnFormSubmitted: This event is invoked right before the report is sent to Trello, after the user clicks the "submit" button. This would be a good time to add information from custom fields on the form to the report.
OnFormClosed: This event is called whenever the form closes, whether a report was submitted or not. This is a good time to reset any custom fields on the form, or clean up any temporary resources created for the report (this is where the screenshot taken with the form is deleted!).
These core three events will not be changing much during the rest of the alpha, so developers rest assured that you can hook in your scripts without the next update breaking your form.
GDC 2017
Next week I'll be attending the Game Developers Conference, so there will not be an update for Easy Feedback. However, I will be writing up a more technical devlog post on how the WebView for Trello authentication works, so keep your eye out for that! If you are attending GDC and would like to meet up and chat, reach out to me on Twitter! I'll be handing out Easy Feedback discount keys, so be sure to nab one!