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Back at it again! This new update is great, I especially love the green pearl event and the endless mode rework(s).

I’m pretty sure the angel/demon fight reworks are recent as well, the ability to swap out crew members is greatly appreciated. Also, the doctor allowing for (seemingly) infinite upgrades is really nice for more scaling. The spy adds a lot more options to battling as well, and I like how it overlaps with the ability to bribe, making pre-battle decisions more important.

In terms of the green pearl event, I feel like there could be different possibilities of what occurs. Resetting is great especially the first few times, but I was seeing him so many times (I had three copies of The Mark) it felt kind of useless. I suggest either some kind of drawback (maybe losing a relic?), or a chance for other things to happen - losing or gaining cargo, etc. Same thing for the spy and the chest, since it is guaranteed to do nothing if all crewmates have already been upgraded once.

Some sort of anti-soft lock feature for the clam guy (do they count as a mini-boss?) would be nice, even though of course just reloading the game works too. Before I figured out the gimmick, he wasn’t dealing any damage due to a reduce damage taken crewmate, making it difficult to figure out how to prevent soft lock. Perhaps them increasing their damage by one each turn? Not entirely sure, it might get out of control.

I never got the genie to work, although once I noticed some Ös and connected to potential names of crewmates. Will try to pursue that line of reasoning. For some reason, “pearl” or “frog” are not valid answers, but oh well.

I only noticed a few bugs (besides for the easily avoidable one of clicking things too fast). The biggest one was the Handy figurehead not working, the birds flew over but then just continued going with the carpenter.

The prince never got rescued by the king, which may have just been unlucky or something to do with resetting with the event. The ability to have them walk the plank helped out with that, though.

Stealing the last piece of cargo from a ship through the spy doesn’t kill them immediately, but luckily they go down after being shot which luckily avoids soft lock.

Haven’t been able to replicate it yet, but something about the bird boomer combo killing the enemy almost instantly combined with clicking “fire” leaves the dice frozen on the previous screen until the next battle, also making me unable to avoid the angel fight. (Although, it seems as though mandatory divine being battles might be intended?)

I think these new balance changes are great and add a lot more endless potential to the game, and makes the early game much more enjoyable. It seems the constant reset ability just makes it really easy for overpowered builds to be created, whether from pearl relics, 2-3x upgraded diplomat, or lots of splash damage birds, all of which are understandably late game but also not easily countered. Thanks for taking the time to read all of this!

P.S. Are they called trinkets or relics? They seem to be referred to differently, like the “mimic” one says (or at least used to say) “relic” compared to the description of the “trinket collector”. Alright, that’s all. Love this game!

(2 edits)

Thanks a lot for the thoughtful comment! ❤️

I didn't even mean for the green pearl event to be affected by the mark. It definitely shouldn't be as it needs to be more rare. At least not the same amount as the normal trinket event. And yes, they should be called trinkets. They're called relics in the game code but "should" be called trinkets everywhere where it's visible. Though this internal naming confusion has bled a bit to the descriptions too but now everything should be saying "trinket".

The divine being fights are not avoidable in the endgame. Just to make it pose more threats and potential run enders. The same for the clam boss really. The clam should be pretty much a counter to mass pearl builds but I guess it still isn't really a counter enough and the boss can still be a pushover with some combinations or just loads of birds. Birds overall might be a bit "too good" against plated dice and since the clam only has a single cargo piece, you don't even have the normal drawback of random targeting.

Maybe I just need to design an anti bird boss now... 🤔

You're on the right track for the wish event. Will for sure add pearl as a trigger word to it.  Gotta think about whether to allow "frog" or just "crew". Been thinking about increasing the letter pool from 9 to 12 too as just having 9 letters limits the options so much.

Meeting the king now with the prince might probably be too rare too just due to a bigger pool of possible events. Need to look into whether that chance needs to be boosted somehow.

Oh and do tell about the easily avoidable bugs (by playing too fast) if you know of any from the top of your head that you know how to reproduce. Ideally I would like to fix all those too.