Thank you~ I absolutely understand the decision, I was just unsure what I should be expecting since there was little information on the page, and didn’t wanna get wrong hopes ahead of myself
I think the biggest thing you could do to streamline exploring, is to add a one-button “leave” option to encounters you’ve seen before that you can safely leave, such as Pent Wolf and encounter Thief & Knave in the prologue, when they tell you to fuck off or Knave will be forced to make you, since to leave Thief & Knave right now I have to Talk > Some form of Hi Thief says Leave, Knave says Yeah Go Leave > Leave Since game actions use those drop downs, its a lot of unnecessary feeling clicking for basic decisions(and in the case of those two, after your first meeting you should know they wanna be left alone and be allowed to just walk away when you find them without the song and dance)