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Hello ! 

I tried to do a really detailled feedback, I don't know what you were looking for exactly.
I played on Window with a gamepad. I played like 45min, I stopped in a level with a giant fly, surely a boss.

- The hero is adorable.
- The level design is cool.
- I really like the art style.
- The music is nice the first 5 minutes.

- There's a lot of situations where I can't see the bottom of the screen and I jump blindly.
- The spikes were kinda annoying, always placed exactly at the end of a spring or in passages too narrow to jump. Some times I was forced to lose life to progress. The second spring of the game is surrounded by spikes, not cool.
- The texture of the walls is often used in the background, so at some point there's no way to tell where the collisions are.
- If the jetpack is necessary to finish a level, there should be a way to refill it.
- One time the jetpack was literally a cheat to avoid half of the level.
- I played with the gamepad and there's no way to navigate into the menu without using the mouse.
- You should add the 'how-to's directly in the game, like "Press 'A' to jump" when jumping the first time, since the first level is cool enough to learn the basics and when I reached the jetpack I didn't remember any of the other buttons.
- Since the hero is a console, that could have been great to have animations or abilities related to this, or even informations using his/her screen.
- Sometimes when jumping on a spring, the character flew like 50 meters high, that was fun but I wasn't able to move forward.
- There's a kind of dash abilities, not sure, I wasn't able to use (again I played with a gamepad). It worked 25% of the time and only backward.
- In the first level, I can move a crate. But why ?
- Refilling the jetpack after each death could be nice.
- There's a ramp at some point with falling bombs, too difficult to learn a new mechanism. I avoided that part. You can walk along the ramp, slightly enter the wall and jump to pass the collision and the whole ramp/bombs thing.

The whole experience was nice, the game is visually fun and easy to play but the level design expect me to learn to play too quickly and after learning a new ability I usually discovered a tough part (like the sea of spikes after the jetpack). And the hero is adorable.


I really appreciate all the feedback. Your experience with the game is exactly what I was looking for. This is very informative and helpful for my upcoming update. I will have a look at everything you've pointed out and definitely do something about it. Thank you again ✌