Nice looking game. Tried on DMG and it could definitely use a "GB Color Only" screen haha. I've seen stuff be slow or freeze, but this was very glitched out graphics on DMG.
Will the final version be GBC only or will you optimize for DMG as well? I don't mind either way, in fact it is cool when the extra power of the color is used, but I also respect DMG compatibility.
Viewing post in The Fallen Crown - GameBoy Color comments
No problem, I'm also a backer so I'm seeing how it is coming!
Ideally it would be one of those screens that checks the hardware and only shows to DMG people, preventing them from proceeding.
Some have added mini games etc. that only appear on DMG as well, but just a screen with one of your characters looking disappointed and saying it is only for GBC would be all that's needed when played on DMG.
I've also seen ones add a warning that it just won't play as intended on DMG, but I'm not a fan of that as you should be playing it as intended.