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(1 edit)

Hey Guys, I guess I do not have to mention that the degree of professionality of your game is tremendous! Lovly voice acting, awesome graphics and in game tutorial.

So I made a video on it: 

AND ofcourse I have not given you only one star in controls - beside the non-restart thing, they are very solid and worth four stars 😉

Thank youa ton for playing it.

This was the first game ever for me and I can see I should put more effort into guiding players. Many people told me they didn't realized they can stop the intro by pressing Esc. And almost nobody (you included) tought about bringing out the in game menu by pressing esc inside the level.  You can save and load this game and return to action faster.

They are also chests FULL of ammo waiting around the levels and the game itself is a platformer so we tried to make the platforming challanging. But you are supposed to save after beating a section of jumps :D

Either way thank you a TON for playing it :)