The story is good, it pulls you in right from the start.
I love how you have choices as well.
(Although I haven't tried the other paths, so I can't say how much of a true choice they are yet.)
The mystery also grabs you quickly, and what you learn of the story and the world, and what has happened in the past flows naturally, in a way that makes sense.
The artwork is quite nice as well.
More unique than pretty, but beautiful all the same.
And dark.
LOVE the endless save-slots. ^_^
And the many choices.
I also like that you can customize your character so much.
But I -do- wonder if your choice in clothing is something that will have an impact or just sortof....exist.
Oh, the itallian cussing! 😂
(Also; little bit misspelled methinks, since it's two words, not one. But I admit I am no expert, I could be wrong. I can barely read the simplest of books in the language.)
Using smaller writing to show distance from the speaker is pure genius.
It really add to the feeling of distance.
I like Reed.
Wouldn't trust him further than I can throw him, but still more than every other person in the game.
The writing is some of the best I've seen in games.
It's filled with subtext and undercurrents --something that is often lacking in other games.
This story also uses a lot of emotional language, and defiantly make use of the 'show, don't tell' thing my writing teacher (and every writing course) keeps going on about the importance of.
It makes the story come alive.
I like that there's a lil' heart to see the love choices. ^_^
Kudos for coming up with a GOOD reason why not to kill that guy I really, truly wanted to kill.
(I seriously see too many games not offering the option because of some piss-poor moralistic reason, so I really appreciate the chance to have a more self-serving option to not do it that makes sense.
I mean... if you can't -actually- do it, which would have been even better.
But at least it makes sense why you can't.)
But there is a woman there I really hope I CAN kill!
Ideally after a prolonged torture, but I'm not picky.
The mc should listen more to Reed. Clearly he's the most sensible person around.
I do miss an autoplay button in this game tho.
It would be nice to not have to click-click-click all the time and let the game just play.
Flavio is blunt with his brother. 😂
It's a good thing the mc doesn't speak italian, for Reed's dignity. lol
Reed is cute. Sometimes.
But it's the back-and-forth between you, the conversation with all the unspoken things and under-the-surface emotions that truly make it great.
I think you could replace him with just about anyone (of his general type person), and it would still be just as good.
As a character he's nothing special, but the writing elevates him into someone endearing.
The romance scene is very sweet, and kinda hot.
But no NSFW content thus far.
Will it come later? Or in a DCL extra package?
(I would love to see it. lol)
....that was a random death. o_O
I am not sure what caused it.
Does this thing come with a Walktrough?
Hrm... I figured it out.
It seems that choices you make early in this game impact the story later.
There is no quick cause-and-effect like most games have, but a little bit more chaos theory going on.
Very elaborate an tricky. And a bit impressive.
I like how your room changes based on the style you choose for it. ^_^
I am VERY impressed at how many personalization choices this game have.
It's another thing that makes the game come alive and make it feel like it's -you-.
Another bad end.
(It claimed to be neutral, but clearly it's bad.)
I REALLY need a Walktrough for this game. >_>
I don't understand what could possibly have caused -this- ending.
I keep wondering why the games from this creator doesn't have enough fans to support putting it on Steam....
The games have excellent writing, plots that make you curious and want to read more, and the games that do have artwork have a very good style for the darker genra games, and it's well-drawn.
The world building is also very good, and you learn about it in a way that seems natural, instead of the all-to-common info-dumping.
...I'm thinking that maybe the only true lack for these games to be super popular is that they lack love interests that you can really obsess over.
Not that the LI's are bad.
Like everything else they're well made, have some debt, and doesn't look bad.
But they lack that something that makes them stand out and make you fall head over heels in love with them.
Like Sol from The Kid at the Back (who made that game go viral almost from day 1.)
Or Mr. Crawling from Homicipher (who has a ton of fanfiction and fanart, despite the game being very nitche.)
The characters in this game is realistic and well written, looks good enough, but....
I'm not entirely sure what is lacking.
But I think that is the point the creators could benefit from working on.
Because the creator is pretty damned good at everything else.