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(1 edit)

Fun game! It's a short and sweet platformer with a super pleasant palette, nice music, and a really cute Tanuki-girl. I I love the clothing based HP system and using enemies to bounce across the map faster. A lot of fun and surprisingly replayable for how short it is. Definitely keeping my eye on this team in the future! My only problem is I have brain stupid and can't figure out where to use that secret code.


Heey thank you, good to hear you like it~
Yeah defs keep an eye out, there's alot of great stuff to come =w=b
You'll figure out where to use the code xD (you can't use it within gameplay)

Got it now, it just wasn't prompting me for a password before. Thanks again for the game, great job!

Check the install folder man ;D

How do I still not know it. Am I braindead?