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This is the kind of game that would work perfect in a Mario Party game! I love the idea, the sound effects are really satisfying too, although I only had myself so I found it a little difficult to play.

I think the game would benefit from showing the waves themselves, so that you can see the effect you're having. Having a bit more warning on the vortex would also be nice, perhaps it takes a few seconds to fully grow so that you can see it coming and falling in is your own fault.

Did you consider making the game level-based instead of score-based? Trying to navigate different shaped levels with preset vortexes could be an interesting *spin* on this idea!

...if you'll excuse the pun


Thanks for the feedback! We tried to do this wave effect but we couldn't find the best looking solution. I tried doing it with a shader but I failed miserably. Level based gameplay was actually our first idea but we had to go with a score based because it was less time consuming.