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I've played and rated your game, and I hope you don't mind me giving you come constructive criticism and feedback about it.

I'll start off simply saying that I was confused on how to play, I picked up that you had to move the cat with the WASD keys and the mouse with the arrow keys, but that was all I was able to do, I looked around the map and pressed every button I could to try and see if that would trigger something, I picked up that maybe the coloured squares on the map indicate something on the to-do list and I was trying to use them, but to no avail, so all I was able to do was walk around.

I like the music in this game, I feel like it suits the style you're going for! I like how the pitch of the music changes when the mouse is flung along the map by the boots, it adds a lot more character into the game.
I also really like the pixel art in the game, ChocolateTurtle has done an amazing job with this!

I say, to improve this game, you need a tutorial, to show players how to play, and I also feel like the to-do list is too large, and covers the view of the camera quite a lot, it would've been better if you had a to-do list which was off to one side and slightly opaque, or a to do list which you can hover your mouse over and extend. Overall I feel like there needs to be much more explanation in this game.

Also, you've done a great job at linking this to the theme, and the limitation!

Great job you two!

Thank you for thoroughly thinking about the "CHEESE" we've made here!
I gotta agree with you! still gotta make the game a bit more clear.

Thank you, i started doing pixel art 4 months ago. Im happy to read that its getting better.

And yes the gameplay needs to get better. But we as a team makes ideas and for some odd reason we are great to make it idiotic hard in the last day wich makes it impossubruh to make it work.

@lamp, guess we are going to call ourself ; team impossubruh :p