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(1 edit)

Your game could be a prequel to ours; let's make a bundle! :).

Seriously, I really appreciated the simplicity and efficiency of the gameplay. Playing on the density of stars is a very good idea ! The dash is also incredibly satisfying. 

The game could have benefited from a deeper feeling of gravity I think :

To really feel the density of each star and to have to leave the orbit of a white dwarf with the dash for example. 

Nevertheless the game remainsreallyt pleasant and really efficient !! the atmosphere and the theme are clearly respected.

Great Work !

Hi LeandreRenouard, thank you for your message! I’m really happy you like it and really apreaciate your feedback!

Regarding the feeling of gravity, this was the main idea, just did not finish to polish all the part enough..

I have just played to your game (and rated it) and I am really amazed by the graphics, please you need to share how you did the blackhole mirror edge effect! And yes, it could pefectly be a prequel of yours, also because you cas see your character has just become one black hole, since he does not know whats he doing!

Again congratulations!