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I'm the guy who was making a visual and animation stuff for this project and I'm jubilant that you love our game

Concerning a level design and changing between realities was the core game mechanic, we also wanted to add a reality with the animals where you could become a fish to swim or mouse to get to some point and the reality with the astronauts where you could have some kind of a jet with wich you could fly on a bizarre planet. But due to a small period given for the development, we only created two realities ((

As an artist, I appreciate your interest in the visual stuff I made for this project. The main idea was to set a story's mood from the beginning with some fancy images, I used a limited palette btw really helps a lot, and it was easy to become overwhelmed with the unlimited palette when you have not much time for the development


In this work, I gave myself the freedom and had a lot of time to figure out a mood of the scene, but when it comes to limited terms this thing comes in handy.

We will consider an option for further development of this game ;)

Again thanks for your deep review


No problem man if anything your game deserves a good review. im not a professional game reviewer but i try my best to give as much feedback as i can. 

aside from that your artwork is breathtakingly good and i would love to see more from you