I just finished flipping through this, and I think it's a wonderful condensation and restatement of the Into the Odd rules! It does a very good job of concisely restating all of the general rules and concepts of ItO, while injecting your own small tweaks without them feeling "tacked on."
I VERY much like your one-page takes on the different races, and the similarity to the Bastionland and Cairn layout of a short description with some randomized backgrounds and gifts for each. This really is a great, rules-lite method of injecting any heritage or background variations anyone could ask for, regardless of genre!
I was puzzled by one thing...there are no wizards? I could almost understand if we didn't focus on making them a player option, but there isn't even discussion of magic-using entities in the NPC/Enemies section.
You mention "spells" a couple of times, instead of "songs" or "sagas," and I was wondering if this is a system you plan to expand upon later?