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For anyone else playing the web version:

- Accuracy is device dependent: playing on my old tablet (Firefox for Android) the accuracy goes way down relative to playing on my desktop (Firefox for Linux).

- Also on the tablet, accuracy suffers while fast-forward is turned on. Maybe 30-50% of shots that land squarely fail to register. In combination with the accuracy difference, it's very possible to lose in the first 1-3 turns.

- Multicast doesn't appear to do anything, even with 100% multicast chance.

- Ice slow is far, far weaker than the description states.

The game is still beatable (at least on my desktop) if you're careful to avoid dud upgrades like the above, as well as Life Steal, Assassin, and Armor Shredding. Taking a bad upgrade is worse than missing out on a good upgrade, because it also worsens your future picks by putting clutter into the rotation. (Lifesteal would be fine if it capped at 15%/15%, it's removing the offensive upgrades that kills you.) (Armor Shredding is extremely good post level 60, it just doesn't help during the main game.)

I didnt know that accuracy is device dependent, maybe its just clicking accuracy as i dont see a reason why it would be different on other devices🤔 Multicast is useless though. Also ice is much better if you upgrade your health with it as it becomes stronger that way. Have you tried using dice cards more often?

- correction, multicast does work, it's just visually [maybe functionally? not 100% sure if it interacts with blue fire / burst shot] equivalent to having higher attack speed -- basically it's a worse attack speed upgrade until you hit about 6 shots/second.

- I may be mistaken on the shot accuracy thing -- it may have just been fast-forward mode causing shots to not register on slower devices.

- at least on the currently downloadable .apk version, the ice causes no noticeable reduction in movement speed even with 1750+ health (instead of the 60%+ slowdown listed).

- I didn't realize you could reroll upgrade options once each by clicking the circle-arrow under them; this helps immensely.

- at least on the currently downloadable .apk version, shots are centered on the bottom edge of each creature; this means with 100% accuracy, even at 19.75 shot speed, almost all shots will miss the red worms moving up from the bottom of the screen.

The splash screen explicitly says it's not designed for HTML + I assume all of this stuff is fixed in the development version; just posting so it won't drive anyone else nuts.

It seems like the downloadable version is buggy/glitchy 😶 I’ve had no problems in the web version at least. Also multi shot might work but even if it did there are better upgrades like burst shot or attack speed in the game. Also the ice glitch seems to be mixed, sometimes it doesn’t work but for me ice has worked fine (besides when it glitches on some enemies and doesn’t work at all but thats a whole different story). Also accuracy ≠ bullet speed, if you have max accuracy consider upgrading bullet speed to hit the red worms, or attack speed to fire more shots in general. TL:DR Every version seems to have its own bugs, the game is still in development after all