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I will tell you about the items if you give me your e-mail, yes.

Follow-up question: did the endings activate inside the game (the internal endings list) or was it in the Steam achievements list where they activated?

Because I had one other person say all of the achievements went off at once and I have no idea what could have caused it; as this is my first game on steam and the back end of Steam isn't the most graceful, to put it nicely. I will have to try and address this in my next patch, I have literally no clue what could be causing it. @u@;

(1 edit)

My email is 

The 8/8 showed up in both steam and the game.  

Okay, good to know, thank you! I will be addressing the issue this weekend and putting out a patch. It probably won't retroactively effect your game though, and you'll most likely keep the achievements. Sorry about that!

I'll send you an e-mail now.

Again thank you so much for the help!

I will definitely play the prologue!