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This game is great, from the level design to the visuals and the menu.

First of all the menu, it looks great and new. Also it's very simple, good job on that. Then when you press start game you don't even go to a new scene it just smoothly drops the buttons into the void.

First level, immediately you know you can use A and D to move, then the question comes how do you jump? First thing you do is drop into the void to see what happens and you instantly understand what the entire game is about.

The level design is really great, the only thing I found a bit confusing at first were the blue tiles that you have to break through. Wasn't quite sure why they killed me at first.

You keep some progress when you die, so no matter how bad you are you'll probably get through every level, but it's still fun and speedrunable.

I love that you can build up momentum, I've seen games with the mechanic where you can fall through a hole and come back from above the screen, but it's so fun building up momentum and crashing through the glassy blocks.

Overall great game, worth checking out, also thanks sonicboomcolt for checking out my game!


Holy cow that is a long review but a welcome one! Thank you and I'm glad you enjoyed the game.

In the future I'll work on making the different mechanics more user friendly and understandable.