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(sigh) yes I hate myself too but you know how I said their was a floating sign? well if you stand near one of the chairs that is closest to the floating sign, and you look down, at the bottom of the screen it says, "click to collect" when their is no sign. and if you keep clicking, each click counts as a page.
please fix this because it really bothers me. I know I always report glitches but that is because I want you to have a success of this game and want you, me, and others to enjoy this game. you have a great map and I don't want to let the bugs ruin it. and if you fix a lot of these bugs then when the full game comes out, you can release it on steam and make it cost.

(1 edit)

Well, first of all thank you for your massive Bug Reports and ideas! :) of course iam going to fix it in the next update but there will be a better looking & more optimized map in the upcoming update too.. stay tuned ;)

I have some plants for a story mission but right now I have to focus on the mechanics & environment.

Please let me now when you found any other bugs and also let me know if you have more ideas :)

Have a nice day!