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Hey Skyboy!  I picked this game up, and I am actually working on an achievement set for

I have a few questions that I have discovered playing and working through the game.

1) I observed that your score counter does not appear to properly count the score once you pass 65,535 it starts to loop in a weird way.
I noticed that memory address 0x0355 appears to be the roll over, but that roll over does not appear in the game score properly.

2) How many Danger Levels are there?  I have only managed to get to level 2 before I started playing with the memory, and I am getting interesting results (second image setting the 0x0304 to FF) XD

I think I have found everything I need at the moment to work out some good achievements, and just wanted to head to the source to see what your thoughts were on the matter.

I did not notice any additional difficulty (beyond the timer reducing with each danger level) so I was likely going to chop the achievements at danger level 2 cause beyond that it seems like there is no real way to survive it once the timer drops faster than you can heal each stage.

This has been a very fun game man, Would love to see more, but giving me a reason to dust off my zapper and having it actually run better than duck hunt was super impressive to me.

Oh I am trying to ID where in the memory you store the enemy IDs.  I found their HP, but cannot figure out where the IDs are so I could potentially track the existence of these enemies for other achievements I am trying to work out.


Oh wow, Wulden! That's super awesome! And thank you for the complements on the game! I always felt like the Zapper was underutilized, so it was fun trying to breath a little more "meat" into a Zapper game.

1) Regarding the score, I think the behavior after 65,535 is a bug. I wrote the game in C and compiled down to assembly. Ostensibly, score is stored in an unsigned long and there is some code that caps the value at 9,999,999, but I haven't closely analyzed that assembly produced by that code.

2) Danger Levels are uncapped. The limitation, as you observe is basically human limits versus the time limit.

If you'd like, I'd be willing to share the source code with you to help do your achievement setup. Email me at and I can set you up.

Hey Skyboy!  I am at present putting the finishing touches on the achievement set:

The only achievements I think I am missing that I was hoping to figure out was trying to get a counter for "stopping enemy attacks"  I was hoping to challenge folks to use that more, but it is what it is.

I am hoping to have this set launched by the end of the day today, so hopefully it will drive some eyes in your direction XD

That is so awesome! Thank you!
I'm sorry it took me so long to respond to your email last week.

No biggie!  The set is up now so here is to hoping you get a few folks having a look XD

I need to check out your other game now that I have messed with this one.  

Man Danger Level 3 is nuts!  XD  I just can't clear in time.