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Hey, sorry for that. I updated the downloadable Mac app to support 64-bit, which means it should theoretically work on Catalina now - but I can't check myself, since my only Apple computer is still on Mojave. Let me know if you have any more trouble!

And your contribution is much appreciated - what helps even more than money is knowing that people enjoy the game and are looking forward to the sequel :)

Ah great! Yes, it works, thanks so much. I thought there was an extended/expanded version? But this looks the same, just opens full screen as an app. Is that correct? Is there another version I missed? Anyway looking forward to an update for sure. Really enjoy playing. 

The new, expanded version is still under heavy development. You can track it's progress on Twitter ( and find out more about the plans at So I'm afraid it's not available for download or purchase yet - but I'm working on that! :)

I'm sorry if the page is somehow unclear - but this page and all the downloads on it are for the original, PICO-8 version of the game.

No worries. Looking forward to the next version!