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Hello there.

The additive traits from this plugin currently all stack together when creating an item, with no plugin parameter option to change that. An edit, or addon to the plugin that makes it so that only traits that exist on more than one of the ingredients is passed on to the crafted item shouldn't be too hard to create, as the method used to add additive traits together on the result item is actually very straight forward, and should be relatively easy to build onto.

The only issue I can foresee with your idea, is that the crafting system only currently supports one 'wildcard' item per recipe. In Skyrim, a potion recipe was simply created by combining 2-4 ingredients, and any traits those ingredients shared between eachother ended up on the 'potion' (or poison). As this system currently only supports making recipes that have 1 random player provided ingredient in them, you'd need to script yourself different kinds of potion recipes that used specific ingredients and a wildcard ingredient. 

To the player it'll look the same, but it's a bit more work on your part.

At any rate, if I get the chance in the next couple of days, I can see what I can do about taking care of that request.


Thank you very much for the quick reply, and especially so for looking into my request. I really do appreciate it :)

As for the wildcard restriction, I hadn't realized there was a limit, thanks for letting me know. I'm curious though, is that a hard coded limit, or something that could be tweaked? 

If at all possible, I'd ideally allow the player to combine any 2-4 ingredients, all of which would result in a blank base potion, that would have all traits shared by 2+ ingredients. Being able to restrict players from using duplicate ingredients in the same recipe would be pretty cool too, and building off of the 2+ required traits idea, being able to have a "failed result" item be rewarded if the brew didn't have any traits passed onto it, but unless any of these are fairly quick and easy tweaks, I don't want to overwhelm you with feature requests. 

Currently that is a hard coded limitation that isn't going to be an easy fix, unfortunately. When I first released the plugin, the idea was to allow all ingredients to be wildcards, but it turned out that there was a fatal flaw in my logic at the time, and the only way to get a fast update our the door was to only allow one wildcard ingredient.

I have plans to eventually restore that functionality, but I can't give a time line, as it is likely to require another complete overhaul of the way that recipes are detected.

Ah, fair enough. No worries about getting an update out, it's just reassuring to hear that it's something that's planned down the line. 


In the latest update for this plugin, I have added a plugin parameter to mimic how alchemy in Skyrim works. Traits on ingredients are not passed to the result item unless at least one other ingredient also has that trait. You can get the update here. Thanks for the great suggestion!

I'm a little late on the reply, but thank you so much for implimenting my request, and so quickly at that! :)