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I adore this game and in the 24 hours I have had it, I've played it different ways just to see all of the outcomes. I love that there is a back button as well so I can quickly see outcomes if I was questioning myself. Does the game continue on after you show up late for work and speak with the boss? 


I've had him fire me, but I have also had success but then quit later.


Are these the only possible endings right now? I have literally done everything that I can think of. 

I can't praise the creator/s of this game enough. I adore it and I am definitely looking forward to the full release.


The two endings you got seem to be the "bad" endings which you can't continue from in the full game.

To get on a patient's route (one of the four) you will need to spend one session a day with them. Just make sure to spend at least one session (tuesday to friday, monday is scripted to get to everyone) with everyone else, or you'll be accused of neglecting your patients and fired. Additionally, you'll need to get most answers during their sessions right. 

To get on Sharpe's route, do your best during the job interview and spend an equal amount of sessions with everyone. And for Elizabeth, you just need to hang out with her every day since tuesday and try not to say something that will upset her.

To put it simply: you can't proceed without selecting a route, and there's no menu to do that - you need to get on a route throughout week 1.

I hope you have fun exploring the different paths you can take in the demo. Thank you for your kind words ~


Thank you so much for the response! I was seeing every single patient, and the best ending that I got a few times was that he said my schedule was perfect and decided to hire me... but then my character ultimately quit because she felt like there was no progress... Anyway, I will definitely try it again with the way that you suggested.. I mean you are the creator of the game... :) I don't mind replaying it. I love the characters and the whole makeup of the game. Again, thanks for the response and creating this incredible game. I can't stress enough that I cannot wait for the full game to come out and look forward to the other games that you make in the future!