I had to delete my post over just some random meme ITS A FUCKING RANDOM IMAGE
you didn't need to delete it you know.
yeah maybe i know
what am I supposed to know?
it made me happy that you deleted it, it really triggered me yk, dont post any more images again, or you risk my mental health, got that?
im gonna leak ur ip address sebastian
ik its you. you left me bc i didn't want to show my voice and what ever you wanted on discord
average discord dweller, leak that shit, i dare you
bet i will do
do it here
im on comp rn not phone
you may forgot me but i don't
nice grammar dumb ass
never fucking show yourself to me
i’m spongebob
“Silly” is not, and will never be, a dead word
tell me youre 7 years old and part of the LGBTQ+ community without telling me your 7 years old and part of the LGBTQ+ community
like this?