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john rallahbout 2

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He blocked me again, at this point it's just sad. He responded with 'It's battery not assault', and here's my response to that: You're really just desperate now. Sorry for not knowing the difference between assault and battery. I'm sure you were just actually presented with a good point and didn't know how to respond, so you had to act like this.  So sure, just disregard everything else.

It's just miserable at this point. What a genius we have on our hands.

Two different things, you're retaliating, this is an argument, not bullying. I'm also not committing the crime of assault, and you took that out of proportion, and it doesn't make sense anyway, why would someone punch someone at try to justify it because they're the same age? That just doesn't make sense to begin with. I don't believe any of those words have ever been uttered by anyone. Cry about it. If you seriously think this is bullying, then you're a fool, this was never targeted, you kept responding. So you, out of your own choice, entered this yourself. Which is called an argument. Cheers, mate.

Two different things, you're retaliating, this is an argument, not bullying. I'm also not committing the crime of assault, and you took that out of proportion, and it doesn't make sense anyway, why would someone punch someone at try to justify it because they're the same age? That just doesn't make sense to begin with. I don't believe any of those words have ever been uttered by anyone. Cry about it. If you seriously think this is bullying, then you're a fool, this was never targeted, you kept responding. So you, out of your own choice, entered this yourself. Which is called an argument. Cheers, mate.

(1 edit)

Hey, dumbass, there's this cool thing called also being a minor. All this stuff about "minor bullier" that, "minor bullier" this. Why are you trying to hide behind a nonsensical veil? 

Half of his posts are deleted but he was using the R slur and F slur because one guy said this one game was better than the other. Hypocrite.

This guy called someone the F slur. 

This might sound crazy but this is all an elaborate ragebaiting scheme. A total of 5 different people on my side were involved in this, and I all know them personally. It began when two people I knew found some messed up people on Itch. Slur spouting losers to genuine pedophiles. Before that, I thought it looked interesting, so I made my account, and started trolling. Other people I knew eventually joined just for the sake of it being hilarious. Sadistic, I know, and you were the main victim. You would constantly respond, and in the most purposeful bait ever, we planted that many games, of which are mediocre (Poppy Playtime) to straight up shit (Garten of BanBan) were peak fiction, and superior towards ULTRAKILL, obviously, this sparked controversy. People were infuriated, and respectfully, we thought it was a success. If no one had responded to those messages, life would have went on normally in the ULTRAKILL comment section.

Eventually, me and one of my friends accounts got banned, and our messages were wiped. The sole survivor was "womanattacker", after this fad finally went through its short-lived spurt, we moved on, until this aforementioned "sole survivor" returned, sparking "debate" and controversy in the section again. Which is where "SchmiyitBuyit" came in, the most delusional one yet. Unfortunately, he blocked me, but continued to respond to what I was saying for some reason, but he was unstable, hence his track record of mental illnesses, and genuinely, seeing someone so disorderly made me start to dislike him. 

Despite everything I have said, I have 24+ hours in ULTRAKILL, I think it's a decent game, even if it's community is a little worse for wear. Nevertheless, I don't dislike ULTRAKILL, nor Hollow Knight, I'm a fan of both, Garten of BanBan, not a chance, neither Poppy Playtime, respectfully those are for children, and it was an obvious set up. Yet it still sparked rage in the comment section. Observing what I saw, many people said to respect others opinions, and not everything is objective, yet they still continued to rage about how our opinion was wrong. Even if it was not legitimate, it was hypocrisy. I know I was also a hypocrite in many different ways, but it was all intended to make such a low quality jumble of personally horrible and inconceivable opinions that contradicted each other so much that it would make people notice. Not to mention, making creative insults was fun, and using them was even more amusing. 

To summarize, there are no alt accounts, I have played ULTRAKILL, and people will do everything in their will to not let something they love be slandered, even to extents where they become less moral to those who they are criticizing. That is hypocrisy, and it's an incredible thing.

First of all, I didn't start it this time, that was the other guy. When a game is bad, it will be bad, and so I will report it on being bad. I left my legacy behind because I was forced. Ordinace, I know we don't agree on many things, but can we at least agree that the "SchmiyitBuyit" kid shouldn't be speaking whatsoever.

The only alternate account is this one, in response to John Rallahbout's banishment.  You also contradict yourself by saying "3 idiots who love to argue online agreeing with you". Wouldn't it just be one by your logic? Theres a lot of proof that they aren't alternate accounts, they're all made in the same time period but simply because people jump on bandwagons that they want to be on.  Besides that, why would I come back as "john rallahbout 2", if I could just make any other name to make it more believable like they're real people agreeing with me? That's the point, they are real people. I apologize that you can't recognize real people, probably knowing that you have an AI girlfriend somewhere deep in your rancid search history. For your information, even if my points aren't very cohesive by your logic, they're still more cohesive than your parents' relationship. 

Glazing isn't complementing one single thing, it's over time where one constantly praises something despite it not being deserved to be praised so much. Silence.

Well, first of all, I did not delete my posts, they were automatically deleted because some low-life reported me, pathetic enough to say.

I agree.

You are quite literally glazing it. Just admit it;

He's not, he just enjoys glazing the game. Despite it not being that deep.

Dear SchmiyitBuyit, usually, when you block someone, you don't talk to them afterwards, it's a mutual cutting off of contact. You're very full of yourself, flimsily admitting to an IQ of 111, believe it if you will. I know you are mentally ill, but you're Christian, isn't Christianity about having good morals and being kind? You are more disgusting than me. He believes he's more superior than everyone, I can just tell, he thinks him knowing French makes him much smarter, and doesn't understand that if I could reply to him, then I would respond with French, since I can quite literally speak French, it isn't a special thing. I believe this is the only attention you ever get, so I understand. I await your response, SchmiyitBuyit.

There are no alternate accounts, simply people who agree with a point. All this talk about opinions, subjectivity and objectivity but ULTRAKILL fans can't accept it too, what hypocrites. My first account "john rallahbout" dates back before Womenattacker and others who agree. Search it up, and understand that I was the original. Ordinace was the original defender of this stupid game, he had to fight against 3 people, Me, Womenattacker and someone else. Me and the other guy got chat banned, Womenattacker was the sole survivor. Seeing Womenattacker return provoked me to restart John Rallahbout's legacy, hence the creation of this account. SchmiyitBuyit is an unstable kid that shouldn't be allowed to speak on this if they can't understand basic ideas. They've said two slurs. The R slur, defending that it is not a slur, and the F slur. He also admits that he's "not gay because he's Christian". Okay, just because you're Christian doesn't mean you need to be homophobic. Who here truly has more morality? My group, or this SchmiyitBuyit kid. He's blocked me but still continues to respond. Truth is, there is no good guy.

This SchmiyitBuyit kid believes I'm an "alternate account" of that kid. Even without me, he still solos everyone, and the roasts this "SchmiyitBuyit" kid is talking about, are slurs that he's saying, he's said the R slur and F slur, despite admitting he's "not gay, because he's Christian." He also blocked me, but still responds to my comments while I can't. So clearly he can't face reality that well either.

Do you think I am a 40 year old man? They aren't my alt accounts either, we type in different ways, one of my yes man can't spell for shit and you think that of me? No, my points are clear and make sense, yours do not. Which is why I have people agreeing with me.

Give up on yours, you're pathetic.

Too generous, 1.11 IQ, but scrap the decimals because he probably doesn't understand it, so 1 IQ. I bet he doesn't even know what IQ stands for. (That's not an invitation to tell us)

"Handdrawn landscapes and characters" my ass, we all know it was generated with artificial intelligence. As long with it's dialogue. Cheap game that blew up for no reason. I hope Silksong never comes out, AI shouldn't take too long to generate a game.

Either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. This "goody two shoes" defender of ULTRAKILL just broke under the weight of rage. It shows how vicious and underdeveloped this community is. Good job, look at what you've done. I don't think anyone should still root for you.

Did your mother say that or was it an actual registered test that isn't free online?

If he is, you're falling for it dumbass.

I agree, the PS1 graphics style is simply just an excuse to make shitty games that no one will like without the time and effort.


Search it up you foolish hatchling, it is a slur. And your insults are puny, and you're throwing random negative words in hopes of making yourself look more intelligent and composed. You're just a little kid, grow up, I think ULTRAKILL has too much gore for you.

The fact is, ULTRAKILL is so poorly created that Skibidi Ping Pong, an objectively good game would absolutely clear ULTRAKILL.

If what the French say is true. "You are what you eat", then you would be Hakita's cock.

(1 edit)

If you spend time outside then you wouldn't have responded in 2 minutes. Your defense of me being a minor bullier is absurd, if you're a minor, you're most likely 11 years old and can't talk to anyone for shit. And no, having your window open in your room with the blinds down does not count as being outside. You are a buffoon. Truly.

The only reason you are allowed to say that slur is because you are that slur.

I remember the ULTRAKILL themed objects you have shoved up your behind.

And you aren't? Didn't you admit that you're mentally ill.

What compels you do defend a game so urgently that you need to glaze it at every moment you can? You're clearly beneath me, breathing in my presence should be grounds for your execution. ULTRAKILL, is a curse of homosexuality among the American population.

Do you ever hop off of You cannot stop yapping about people that don't have a life, yet you rot on instead of interacting with your nearest woman. (Your mother)

Ordinace is an absolute knob, your opinions are not fact, but the fact of Garten of Ban Ban being better than ULTRAKILL is a mere objective truth. Be honest with yourself and grow up.

Because it is. Clearly you don't know a good game when you see one, and ULTRAKILL isn't one.

Great job describing yourself, a bot with no brain. Next time don't out yourself so easily.

I hope you know we can tell. No need to admit it.

It's good to see you again, Ordinace. Do you remember me? Because you should.