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I'm new here, but I have lots of ideas for this great game.

First one is the Singles chart.

The only reason we are interested in the data is the relationship. Maybe having the real rival teams is cool, but it means nothing just for the simulation names.
For example, how many players will glance the singles chart even when they don't produce a single in the month?
I won't, because it makes no difference to me. The rival teams are not existing. They are only series of simulation names, even the names change every month.

Instead of the original singles chart, how about focusing on the player's prodution data.
Here is the format of oricon single weekly ranking:

(Statistics Date/ Week/ Rank/ Weekly Sales/ Cumulative Sales)

For now, we released a single, and get the simplified result. How about making it more real? Not just an eventually result, but a continuity process.
Refer to the media system, we can check up the data of single sales every week, and get the profit every week.
Make a deadline for the sales, such as the fatigue of media, maybe depends on the appeal ect.

I think the continuity process always makes players excited.