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(4 edits)

Hi, Unity Analytics is enabled from the Unity dashboard. If we disable it, it will be disabled across all platforms. So either we don't use it at all, or we don't export a version at all for Linux, since Unity's opt-out plugin is only supported on Windows and macOS. We are aware of GDPR and have worked with lawyers on this for other products we've worked on. For now you will just have to not play if you don't want any data collected, and then we have to consider if we need to disable Unity Analytics, which is a shame, since it provides us with important error reports.  Linux users are ~15% of our  current user base. We have to make a decision between supporting Linux or receive important information about how the game is played and performs. Or alternatively, wait for Unity to support Linux with their opt-out before continuing Linux development.

Edit: I will try to have a meeting with my partner soon so we can resolve this. Thanks for your patience.

I'm not sure if "not playing the game" is a valid GDPR consent thing, especially as this analytics starts with first launch of the game, and users are not aware of it.
That thing put apart: is there no way to opt-in for this analytics ?
Is there any other tool that would be more privacy/consent-friendly that you could use ?

I'm not against it if it's opt-in, especially if it's only for errors and bugs report (as long as this doesn't contains personal information), and maybe I would activate it, especially if it helps you to support Linux (which is great ! And thanks a lot for that :). Maybe I'd prefer to send a bug report in another way if I find a crash/bug.

Especially on Linux I'd think people will be willing to help with bug reports and logs if they encounter some issues.

By the way I found a way to disable Unity analytics by hand ( so I played to your game: still a bit basic (that's understandable) but already quite funny, I like it, well done.

We figured that the opt-out isn't necessary for Linux users since all personal data gets deleted straight away on unsupported platforms. We'll definitely need an opt-in though!