Glad to help :D I made my edits before the hotfix, so I have restarted my browser now and am looking things over.
Wait- I got a message that... May or may not be intentional? Is this intended or have I tripped a debug message? (Rot13)
Lbh unir artbgvngrq na vzcbffvoyr qrny. Guvf pna arire unccra. Guvf zrffntr pna arire qvfcynl. V unir ab vqrn jung'f unccravat.
(Currently trying the NORMAL ending)
On the note of NORMAL, I have a theory of what our cargo is. (Rot 13)
Vf vg n fnir cbvag?.. Gur cvax tybj tvirf zr gung frafr.