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It was a good game, I truly liked it!

The enemy has a good patrol dynamic, but the difficulty level is very low.  It is hard for him to see you and when he does you can out run him very easily and just hide for quick seconds. I think if maybe you can make him a little faster and to look for you a little longer, it will make it more challenging.

The ending is confusing, I won't say it here because I don't want to spoil the ones who haven't played yet but maybe a better explanation and a longer animation would give it some extra charm.

Gameplay in general is very good, controllers, speed, crouching... everything runs smoothly, although picking the items sometimes takes 5-6 clicks since there is no pointer and is hard to know when the item is ready to be picked. Maybe increase the "picking distance" if that is a thing? hehehe.

The map, I honestly never understood it... at all. The white rectangles, what does that mean? it doesn't tell you where you are or where you have been. Did I miss something?

Good job overall! 

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