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sorry for doing this but i cant get past the tutorial im on the first one and it says there's something wrong??? But like the numbers are correct. In what format are they supposed to be? Just the numbers? With commas? Do I put the $ symbol? Do I have to cover all the fields? What date should I put? Are "federal withholdings" and "federal income tax withheld" the same thing? is this how actual taxes are??


I'm so glad I've emulated taxes so well. 

Numbers need to be input with both $ and commas at the moment because of the way the text field verification works, and names need proper capitalization, same with the filing status field.

(1 edit)

Thanks, but it still wont let me?? The numbers should be correct by all accounts. Everything is properly capitalized (like: Example Adventurer). All numbers have the appropriate comas and $. I cant think what could I be doing wrong. Maybe it's the signature / date?

sorry again for this.

The text verification doesn't look at the signature/date fields those are just there for Style.
If you can give me a screenshot I can tell you which line is wrong, I'll try to expand the text verification at a later date to not have to be so incredibly precise.

Ok. Do I put the screenshot here or do you want me to send it through the MyFirstGameJam discord?

You can post it here or @Mothbean in the mfgj server :)