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[DAY 2] 

We have started to use the tiles that are ready and implemented a new mechanic. The mechanic allows you the change a platform to the other type without astral projecting. We thought this might make for more complex puzzles:

We also managed to fix the problem we had with the effectors in Unity. The spirit can now move just like the physical body can and glide the wind. We also updated our character controller with coyote time and collision detection that feels better when jumping. 

All the levels we want to make have been sketched out too. Now that the mechanics are mostly complete we can focus on building these. So far we are a bit behind schedule but I think we can still make it.

There are two bugs that we have now. One is visible in the gif. When you switch to the other realm, the transition is rough sometimes and you can see the player stutter in the air which feels and looks bad. The second bug is on the effectors. When you are transitioning between effectors the character goes nuts and starts bouncing all over the place. I'm thinking of letting this be and making sure there are no overlapping effectors and instead just adjust the levels a tiny bit accordingly. I am not sure if it's worth fixing.

Meanwhile music and art are being crafted vigorously! So yeah a bit behind schedule but like I said I believe we will make it. Tomorrow we will build all the levels with the assets, do a bit of bugfixing and get the music in. I look forward to sharing our progress then.

Good luck everyone!