Ooh, thanks for finding the default event handler for new canvases (and everything else)! That's neat! (Still find it weird that the default on-creation is distinct from the default absent-script! Confusing design choice, imo!)
Yeah the default do-nothing script does nothing. I was talking about a truly blank script (with no event handlers at all, but maybe a comment present).
Just to be clear, my primary question with the above stuff was not so much "how does it work" but "i think this design choice is a tad hostile to discovery... is there a good reason for it, or could it be different?".
Again, I appreciate the pointers towards aspects in the code already, and I think it is quite cute that it's possible to make your own drawing UI. But, like before I was more pointing out "isn't it weird that the already lovely drawing UI that already exists is not by default available for canvases?"
Like, my question/critique was not as a user of decker wondering how best to interface with an already existent piece of software, it was as a person commenting on an in-constant-development project wondering about the design decisions and thinking some of them are rather confusing / a tad user-hostile and wondering if there was some really good reason they are that way. I do appreciate you finding the section of the documentation with the defaults though, thanks!