A nice clear and simple toolkit to run a quick infil and exfil mission on the fly
The writing is very clear and easy to follow. So easy you could read it and run it for the first time at the same time. I like the html doc and the html control panel.
To the creator, one thing to fix. The banner image in the file "DEAD ZONE.html" does not show up as it is pointing to a file in one of your drives. If you set it to https://img.itch.zone/aW1nLzE4OTg4NjEzLnBuZw==/original/GTO43f.png it should work on other people's computers as long as they have an internet connection.
STYLE: 4/5, The html layouts are cool especially the included interactive control panel.
SUBSTANCE: 3/5, Cool stuff but not something I would use myself. I experimented with having a mission threat from 1-5 that went up and down through the mission but stopped using it because I didn't like tracking it. I'm sure others would like it though.