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Well, the system I'm on is the window, and I played an old version of this before the screen froze, and I also don't think I hit any buttons before it started freezing the game.

The programmer went over it and said the issue is that something prevented the game from making the cache (saved info/images) it needed to continue. You can try a few things to fix that:

-Delete the build and try downloading/extracting it fresh to see if something when wrong when getting the files

-Clear extra memory space on your computer (if space is tight and your computer)

-Run fewer things while playing the game (if you play games with other things open)

-See if your computer needs updates

-Try to see if it works when played on a different computer, if possible

Hopefully things are able to get sorted and it starts working on your system! Let us know how it goes and if you're still struggling.