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Day 3 and 4: AI.

Hello everyone! On the third day of developing the game, I decided to relax a bit. All I did was sketch out on paper the “features” of the game that will let you “feel” (at least I hope so) the experience of playing real snowballs and recall the emotions that you experienced while playing snowballs with your friends in childhood. I also decided on the scene of the game. It will be an American neighborhood decorated in a Christmas style.

Well, on the fourth day, I set about developing AI. Here is my result:

AI works according to the principle of several states, namely: following the player, if he fell within the field of view, attacking the player if the AI has a snowball in his hands, running to a snowdrift to make a snowball if the AI does not have a snowball in his hands. The patrol state will also be rewarded if the player is not in range.

So far, I have difficulties with machine learning, so it will not be in the current project. But maybe I will release the update later, when my knowledge will be of a sufficient level.
On the fifth day, I plan to finish work on AI and begin designing the level.
I need some help with the graphics, so if you want to join me then I will only be happy about it!


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