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Day 2

I started out the day by working on making my very first game asset in Blender. The campfire is the start point of the game, as well as the central location for the majority of the gameplay I have in mind right now. Unfortunately, I had no clue what I was doing, so it took a long time (more than 30 minutes) to come up with something mediocre.

Once I got the campfire imported and added a material, I spent a fairly significant amount of time adding a particle effect that is supposed to look like embers floating away from the fire (there is no actual fire yet, however). After that, I made the campfire interactive if the player is close enough, and interacting triggers the particle effect, which is nice.

Before getting into more Blender work, and some more terrain generation, I wanted to get started on the real basics of the survival elements. I added warmth, fullness, and hydration to the character, and set them to reduce as time goes by. Warmth does not drop if you are in close proximity to the fire (it currently doesn’t matter if the fire is unlit, which needs to be changed). You can see the stats dropping in the Inspector panel on the right of the gif below, if you look where the cursor is moving around.

I don’t think I’m going to get more done tonight, and I’ve got work all week, so my progress is going to slow right down. I’ll see how things are going after a couple of days, and adjust my expectations for the game accordingly.