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(1 edit)

And the game keeps getting better...! I keep discovering more creatures, places to go, how to create new items and how to look at surroundings through different glasses. I placed a ladder under water. The result was quite surprising. I recently had a giggle when my caracter was strutting around (after having rebuilt Earth and letting the colonists settle down over there) donning his brand new spirit fox helmet which suddenly opened fire on a band of pink ghosts coming out of nowhere. Also I've caught a "magnestone" and a "magnewyrm"! (A thing I hadn't thought possible after having had a go at other creatures that just won't be trapped.) Now I finally know what to call them. And that leads me to my quastion: Could (and would) you reveal what the untrappables are called by you, the creators of the game?? (So far I've been calling them: purple turtles, nautili (nautilusses?), blue crabs, wreckingballfish, buzz-scorpions, bullet-cyborgs, bubble clams, bloodleeches, tar-spitting fish, lettuceheads, rhino-snails, giant caterpillars, giant earwigs, giant wasps, giant seahorses, chandelier-jellyfish, night-dinos, flying shrimp...)

Thanks again. Awesome game!!!

Honestly, most of the enemies that can't be caught don't have official names, just ids (I come up with names as needed). For example, the blue crab's id is literally blue_crab. Maybe one day I'll add a bestiary with official names and descriptions for enemies you encounter...