Whoops. I think I found the issue, but to be sure, how far were you in talking with him? First trip? Returning?
- Sorry to say but have a similar issue as per below. Couldn't progress:
"It's Maxwell. He's set up a camp, and dammed the tiny trickle of water with rocks and sand to form a puddle...."can't find matching endif"He waves. "Forget something?"
- I think you can't reach the "Human Army Command" speech option in the new version? No matter how many times i repeated "why are you here" for Agares and Leraje, I could not get it to appear.
After going back to previous versions with the same save, I was able to do it easily.
- Will you also be able to do multiple saves?
Whoops, sorry for the late response, I got pretty caught up in my new projects and let bugfixing this fall by the wayside. I'm gonna go over that sequence + the other exile sequences and try to catch that bug and other similar bugs like it and hopefully have a fixed version out in a day or two.
About 'human army command', I don't think I changed literally anything in the dialog code between this version and the last, but I'll give it a look to make sure.
More save games... that's something I could do going forward, but it would be tricky to retrofit onto this game without blowing away everybody's existing saves. what I could do is rework the 'dump save' link into an export/import save menu, so it could be possible to switch or back up saves manually using that.