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well, when I update it with Xanthe and liens(and Blakes) route  I  plan on it having other major updates as well. Vic and bae basically have different stories now(Lyell stayed the same with just a few adjustments). In addition I'm giving it new UI, a way to track which endings you got, a way for you to interact with objects in the scene and a lot more. I'm also implementing voice acting(just the common route since i don't have enough money to pay the actors to do more) will also take time to do. furthermore, I'm working on my final for my programming class which will take my time away from this sadly. So I don't have set date for when it will update, but hopefully in the next coming months. 


Thanks for the reply! Will definitely be waiting to see where this all unfolds! ( So much potential! )

Good luck with your finals! ^ ( ^ . ^ ) ^