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Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the execution of my idea. The challenge is to destroy the player in the fastest amount of time possible. I probably could make the actual player playing the game take risks. Maybe by decreasing the score by how many times you use a weapon, so the goal is to destroy the player with using the least amount of weapons possible. Would that be a better way to add risks in? Or do you have more suggestions. And thanks for the feedback.


Hmm, no I don't think so because there's not much the player can do about how many weapons he uses right. I think the player would just have to be attacking you back, you know? Sure it's fun to fight against your score but, there's no way to lose or fail in the end, only improve. Which is maybe ok if the gameplay was super super engaging? But I'm not sure what game does that... you can even die in endless runners right. Something like having the player move on his own and you have to use the best weapon for the occasion for where the player is (and you can actually aim your weapons and choose when they come up) would make it more engaging perhaps. I hope that makes sense. I'm sure you can iron it out.