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Well, it looks like the problem is if you click Options.  You can start a new game, or load a save, but as soon as you click Options, then nothing on the Menu works, so you probably tried to set the Options first before doing anything.  I also found that this problem exists in all our GOF versions: 1.2, 2.0 and 2.5.  It has something to do with in incompatibility with the GOF "reinit" feature in the Options screen and our OnLoad reinit feature.  So I disabled the GOF version and that "full reinit" button on the Mod Options screen does nothing now, but it was not needed anyway.  So, the problem is now fixed and I am currently uploading the fix for all GOF version to Itch right now.  Look for the update notice as soon as the process completes (takes awhile).

Ahoy there.

Thanks for being attentive to the games. Nice work.

Im downloading now still have not checked on the updated stuff, but I did manage to play a game yesterday; I spent 2 hours trying to go around and like you said, options did not come through; just new and load game.

So I started a new game, and the first thing i noticed is that when you go to sea view, your ship is sunk (visually but not in terms of HP or anything).

So your ship appears underwater for some reason.

Secondly, the money lender's diamond quest outside city walls, I spent 40 minutes chasing it and could not find - is it possible that there is a bug which doesn't show the missing diamond?

I usually play ERAS and the last time I played about 10 days ago I found a lot of weird stuff as well since the new updates; but will report later when I play another new game in the upcoming weeks.