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I came to this game from some Roblox copy, so sorry if that qualifies as a "you cant say anything" factor, but here are some Tips and Tricks if you wanna go through it!!

- Ammo isn't necessary. If you screw up a lot, sure, bring some ammo, but carry like, 2, not 3 or 4.

SNEAK. Always. Go bush to bush to get to your precious loot. Some of the backpacks have bushes nearby enough for you to sneak, rush, right click, sneak back in and suck the loot out of the floor. You don't need to be ENTIRELY on it either, just close, that counts as being invisible if no one is too close.

- If there are many enemies, don't be afraid to shoot!! Shoot one of them and run in an arc, then run up, right and down onto a bush again. Enemies will go straight for the location you shot from and will search through that area, use that opportunity to loot EVERYTHING. 

- If you're feeling a little heartless, killing kids will make their parents cry and drop their weapons, which will make the other pigs go straight to them. Beware, though, they usually favor checking the location of the shot first. Also, you can do this to unarmed pigs too! Sneak up VERY close to them and they'll give up on life, whining loudly to call for help, so you can do the whole distraction arc thing i talked about earlier

- The damage you take from running isn't time based, it's distance based. You can run forever in a short radius from where you started running and take, like, a single tick of damage. This SHOULD be useful to sneak from a bush to another if you're careful enough, I did it sometimes. It's also useful to reposition yourself during combat!! But you don't plan on getting INTO combat, right?

Be patient. Sure, obvious tip, but some people just try to rush through every area. Chill up.

- The gun pigs take two shots to die. Also an obvious tip if you've seen one, but just make sure you're prepared.

Don't be afraid to heal during a hunt. Healing outside of a hunt heals YOURSELF to full in one medicine use, which is awesome, but don't let yourself bleed out from running away from enemies just because you want that cool max heal. Don't overdo it either, your pig friend needs those too!!

- About the rifle jam glitch, sometimes it fixes itself when i take damage, either from running or from a stab, but you'll get better results betting on the running damage...

Those are all, I guess. Sorry for the HUGE wall of text, or for coming late, but I hope these can help at least 4 people. I've been playing this game nonstop, so give it a try! Don't give up so easily. Now, uh, chop chop, porkchop.


wait what roblox copy lol

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh, uh, sorry for the wait, I don't have the app so there's no way I get notifs and stuff (if those even exist), but it's a game in Roblox called "Brother's Vow" where it uses literally the same concept, except with humans, and it's a duo game. Not really a copy, I just worded it like that for convenience

(Right now the game is closed for reworks if you wanted to check it out or something  but they have a discord server)