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(1 edit)

About half way into v0.2 right now. Didn't run into too much trouble and haven't encountered any bugs just yet. But it's only a matter of time.

I'll be away for the next 3 days or so, so I won't be posting til Sat/Sunday. So here's a list of everything I've done the last 2 days :

  • Level progression (eg 1-1 > 1-2 > 1-3 and so on)
  • Crates (Some are filled with loot, others are traps)
  • End game state with Retry and Menu button function
  • Start game state with the player dropping from the ceiling to the start point with a "Ready?" and "Go!" prompt.
  • Health, score and level resets on Retry.
  • Visual 'fade in' on level start