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Well, a good game on the one hand and on the other hand no, I can give you 10/10, but because the majority of the characters are semi-soft and there is no option to enable them to change their appearance, I will give you 10/5, other than that, it is a beautiful game in terms of dialogues and choices (despite the majority of options It is not clearly available to create your character, but that's okay.) Also, I wanted to know what would happen after the introduction of secondary characters. Things could have been made more interesting, but there is another thing that made me drop an evaluation, which is making my character, whether female or male, love a character of the same gender. This made me angry on the other hand, so I rate your game overall 3/10. I hope my review does not offend you. Your game is a masterpiece and you are clearly tired of drawing and some dialogue, but this does not mean that you should support Shadooz directly in this way, especially for characters who are 10 years old.

(1 edit) (+4)

I think i can sort of make out what you're tryna say, but you might wanna re-write or just edit your review, if i got right what i think your review is about, it's highly misleading, with rewrite i don't mean to force you into giving it a better grade, just be more clear about your points.

im not an native English speaker myself so i kind of get the struggle? Anyway, something to keep in mind.

Though the points you're making might not be fixed by it: this game it's only on its demo state, and a really early one, so give it some time if you'd like!


Oh, I didn't know it was still incomplete. I'm sorry about that. 

But if we shouldn't judge it, why do you think he would download a game for people to play? Certainly in order to get our opinion, if this opinion will be useful to him in other ways, then there will be no objection.


Sorry in advance, English is not my native language. 

What do you mean by: "...whether female or male, love a character of the same gender. This made me angry..."? Maybe I'm interpreting it wrong, but does LGBT content bother you?


I don't know what he meant, but I hope he wasn't stupid enough to say that.


Soft characters, this is annoying. I don't mind characters being conceited or having long, soft hair, but the problem with male characters is when they are soft to the point of being uncomfortable.


Some people have a personality or a reason to be softer or more sensitive, for example I am a fairly soft, sensitive person and although I am a man, some of us can have those attitudes or we already acted like that when we were children and that is not strange, it can Whether he is right or not, but if there are soft people and their gender, it doesn't have to be important (I don't want to get into the issue that a man must be rough and blah blah blah).


Who said that a man is a man when he is tougher and rougher? A real man is the one who stands for what is right, hates injustice, and wants to give every person his right, no matter what the reason. This is a real man. As for children being sensitive, I have no problem with him. I was like that, but in the end, there is a time in life. This recognizes a child or a person as a man, and I mean a man in his attitudes and actions, not just a man by name.

(3 edits) (+5)

ok friend, analyzing your "critic" I can come to the conclusion that you are one of the vague exceptions who do not like the game and that is normal, not everyone can like a work but and I would ask you to reconsider some aspects like... when creating your character, whether male or female, try the opportunity to have romantic feelings for the same gender, does this make you angry? And I also see that you mean that the characters are 10 years old as if that were bad, ok that's what you let me understand. Well, what else to say, it's your opinion so it's okay I guess? 

(I'm sorry if I sound aggressive and if there is any point where this is wrong, I'd be happy if you let me know)


It's okay, I accept all my opinions, only what I want to clarify (it is not good to put 10-year-old characters having love relationships, even though you explained that in a childish way, but this encourages children to build a love relationship at a very early age, and you currently know what... It happens in America. The matter is related to the mentality of children and nothing else. If they were given a choice when they were 18 or older, it would be logical, but at the age of 10, this makes children... They see the issue that it is natural to build love relationships from a young age instead of focusing on understanding the feelings of others and how to deal with them honestly.)

As for soft characters, I mean that it adds an option that allows us to change main characters. It is not a requirement to change dialogue, just change appearance with a change in his characteristics, such as his speech not being too soft. I really want to build a relationship with Cho, but More often than not, building a relationship with him brings him to the point where he loves me in a way that is uncomfortable for me.

And the last request, if you can, is to add something to the list of modifications, which is (hiding intersex matters) or whatever its name, because it makes me feel uncomfortable.

Thank you for reading my comment and not getting angry with me or saying offensive words.


Note: None of this is coming from a place of offense; I am not trying to be mean, just trying to explain. Also, sorry if somethings don't make sense. 

What I'm understanding is that you are upset/uncomfortable about:

 1. Characters under the age of 18 having crushes on/feeling romantic feelings toward other characters under the age of 18

2. Male characters acting and talking in a manner that you perceive as "soft"/not stereotypically masculine 

3.  The game allowing non-heterosexual relationships (female characters having romantic feelings for other female characters, etc.,) 

4. The game allowing the player the option of creating a character that is intersex biologically or a character that identifies as neither male or female/nonbinary 

My question is; why play this game in the first place if all of that makes you uncomfortable? 

It's very clearly stated in the description of the game that you, as the player, can customize things like pronouns. If that kind of thing makes you uncomfortable/you don't like it, why play the game? I mean, the description of the game literally tells you that one of the main characters is nonbinary, which again, why would you play the game if that kind of thing upsets you?

Plus, all of the things you are upset about are normal things. Children/pre-teens/young teens having crushes on others in their age group is a completely normal and common experience. Plenty of men/male-people have soft personalities. Non-heterosexual people are everywhere and have existed for a while, same with non-cisgender/nonbinary people. 

Having said all of that, you are allowed to have your own opinions. You are allowed to think children having crushes on other children is weird, you're allowed to think men/male people behaving in a "soft"manner is weird, and you're allowed to think the existence of queer people is weird.  I'm not trying to change your opinions on any of these matters, just trying to explain.

Restating my question, why play the game in the first place if it contains multiple factors that will upset you? I understand having critiques for a game but it seems a little redundant to play and critique a game knowing there are numerous components to the game that you find uninteresting and uncomfortable. That  makes you biased and therefor, not the most reliable critic.

Additionally, your "critiques" aren't really critiques, you are just stating the things about the game that made you uncomfortable/angry. 

So for a third time I will ask; Why play the game if you know there are multiple things in the game that you won't like? 

Sorry this is so long


decent. And the reason is simple: the drawing, the drawing, the backgrounds, and so on, make me feel comfortable, despite their negatives. The details of the drawing make me happy, and as for the percentage of the description of the game saying this and that, I literally saw the title of a game and entered and installed the game. I did not see pictures, I did not see Description of the game: I know that the story is about choices, nothing more than a role-playing game, so I did not know these things until after I downloaded everything and finished the game, and as for the percentage My problem is that children have romantic feelings from a young age. This is a problem. You cannot predict what they will do in the future. Children are like a seed. If you plant it and treat it with the same dirt and water, it will naturally grow into a plant and then become a tree. This explains how to cultivate that seed. Things for children from a young age. Children are naturally innocent, and if they receive such ideas, this will naturally make children grow up with these topics, such as the Internet and so on. So, look at yourself when you did not need the Internet in your life and you loved going out and about, but now you need the Internet because it literally has everything, food delivery, paying bills and so on, your business, everything is in a phone, so nothing is cultivated for a child from his childhood, This means that he will grow up as he grows up, so we are adults and makers of games, influencers, or content, and if this child receives these things, we will literally be responsible. You, I, and all of us are responsible for our actions, so it is our duty not to teach them this. Things at an early age. I was soft since I was young, but with the passage of time, I saw how life requires having a mind, being strong in mind and body, and having an understanding mind, not an attacking one. My life became peace of mind, but children will not understand these things. I apologize if my words were long, but I had to give you all clear reasons, that in the end we are responsible until the end.


Ok sorry if this sounds rude but i think if a parent allows their child freely on the internet, they probably know what to expect and really dont care that much. If you're a parent with a child, simply don't let them play it if you so wish!

I think having crushes at a young age is a normal thing, I myself developed my first crush around the same age as the characters in the beginning of the game, and even then, the crushing aspect is not forced upon you!!

What I'm trying to say is, leave the responsibility to the parents. Your opinion is perfectly valid, but it's also just that - your own opinion!

I'm not trying to say you shouldn't have mentioned it, but seeing as it was listed as an otome game, and multiple of the aspects you were criticizing were mentioned in the description, it is mostly your fault for being uncomfortable with these aspects if you didn't take the time to read about what the game is.

Anyway, that's just my thoughts! Again, sorry if I came off as rude, I'm sort of bad with wording things :3


It's okay, as long as we don't make mistakes or slander or insult each other. I said what I have, I just wanted to tell you what is clear to everyone. Thank you for reading and good luck.


It's okay, as long as we don't make mistakes or slander or insult each other. I said what I have, I just wanted to tell you what is clear to everyone. Thank you for reading and good luck.


I still don't understand it, since the internet can result in an addiction but love is the most beautiful thing there is


Who said that love is wrong? Love is love, but it must be love and respect and not just lustful love, if you understand what I mean. What is the benefit of love if, for example, I cannot control my desires? This is what I mean.