Thanks a whole lot for answering.
Hmm, would you consider using a custom-made tool like is being used for SnappyMail and Tarock Palcka ? That would greatly help: you wouldn’t miss any string, will always have the original on the same screen as your own, and produces readly available translation files.
As i said: the easiest way to support any type of colourblindness would be to have every colour have a different light value compared to the others. An easy way to check the contrast between all your colours (and put yourself into the shoes of a VERY colourblind person) is to turn screenshots of your game into levels of grey (or as is commonly said, black & white). Then, tweak the colours of your game so that each and every one of them look different when looked in black and white.
Good to know 👍 definitely not top-priority thing !
Anyway i’m looking forward to further updates ! Thank you for your time :)