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Oh boy, this is probably due to some Chrome-specific way of handling the twine 1 engine. I vaguely remember there was some big thing recently about it changing the way it runs javascript that breaks a bunch of twine games. It could also be to some code that chrome just happens to not like.

If you can open up the developer console (apparently Shift+J or maybe through a right-click or menu option) and if there happens to be a big error message somewhere in the console window, if you c&p the error message I might be able to fix it, but probably your best option is to just use a different browser.

hmm heres the message i found... not sure what could be preventing access to wherever this local storage is, i tried with firewall+AV off. If its not an easy fix, no worries, i can install another browser.

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read the 'localStorage' property from 'Window': Access is denied for this document.
    at Object.init (
    at main (
    at init (

Oh huh, from looking that up...

Does this link work: ? That's the direct link to the game file on the hosting servers, rather than the embedded-in-page one you get from the game page. It kinda sounds like Chrome doesn't like the part where they're on different servers, which I guess makes sense because that would technically make it a third-party cookie/site data thing.

thanks that did it!