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While we appreciate your thoughtful comment,  nobody else who's played this game has found it too hard,  especially not at level three.  As we said before, the sliding is part of the game's difficulty, but there is certainly a learning curve. If you have a big problem with the sliding, either play an easier game, or the easy version  thats soon to come.


I don't have problem with sliding, but this acceleration make it really uncontrolable, not hard to master. So i played to second "jump" level, but you can beat all previous levels just by sliding on edge of platform, that should be changed


I am aware of that, but for most of the... less skilled people who play this game are incapable of staying on the edge.

This make no sense, you are saying that your game is for hardcore players becaus your game is hard to master, but on other hand you are saying "it's okay, noob players won't notice it"

what were saying is that this game is hard, with a few techniques that make it easier(sliding) however, sliding is still hard to do right, if less hard than just doing the level like normal.
